
Shopping, food and Glamourberry's giveaway

Hi my dear readers! 音譜ラブラブ
Now I could manage to post an entrie again. メモ
I'm sorry it took me a while. m(u_u)m
 I hope you don't mind at all. あせる

Yesterday my boyfriend, Malia and me went to a larger city to look around
 in the shops. グッド!There you can see some pics of it. カメラ

 I got her smiling while sleeping!ドキドキ

My boyfriend with piglet! pigラブラブ

And me with cat's ears! *nyaaaa* ネコにゃん

キスマーク *chuu* 女の子男の子

Pita Gyros おいしい It's so delicious.
Did you ever try it?

And of course we had to go to Starbucks! コーヒー珈琲 Green珈琲
I'm loving it! I had a Strawberry's and Cream! ドキドキ
I also bought a big choco cookie and a choco
cheesecake muffin. ケーキ

I found a lovely Hello Kitty brush. I had to buy this one! キティちゃん
It's soooo cuuuute! リボン
And some HK hairbands for Malia when she's getting more hair! べーっだ!

That's the pics I took while testing my new bathsalt
I bought a few weeks ago. I used the one with
Honey and Almond. Ohhh it was so nice taking a bath お風呂
with it and reading Ranzuki. I got such smooth skin from it. ラブラブ!

I got my first award from the lovely Bibi. ラブラブ
I was so surprised about it. It's in Spanish,
but it tells you that you have got a beautiful blog. Wow!

Thank you my dear! ニコニコ
So I will also choose 5 people who I think they have a
beautiful blog. Here we go! 音譜


Then I will join Glamourberry's giveaway.
Such a nice giveaway. ラブレタープレゼント
If you want to join... go toダウン
Little contest from Glamourberry

That's it for now!
My next post will be the pic spam from
my Japan trip in November as many
of you wished for. JAPAN