
Back again!


Hi my dear readers! 音譜
I'm back again. チョキ Yes, I'm still alive!
My laptop was broken, むかっ so I had not really a chance to
write an entrie. I'm so sorry for that! しょぼん But still it's not ok at all. Ahhh~ I hope it
will work! It was too long without blogging! べーっだ! And if you are really addiccted to
blogging ラブラブ you will miss it so much if you can't update your blog!

So, be a good laptop and let me keep on blogging! にひひアップ 

I missed you so much my dear readers! 
And I missed reading all your lovely posts. (T_T)
And thank you so much for 190 readers! 
I think I should make a new giveaway in future!

Well, this year is almost over! WOW!!! !! 

2 big things happend for me.
My boyfriend and me moved to a wondrful apartment 家
and our daughter Malia was born. 赤ちゃん
What about you?

Btw. I just remeber that I got tagged by the lovely Bibi!
Thank you hun! I will do that in my next post. thank you

Of course I will show you what I got for Christmas. This will be in my next post. 音譜
I hope you had nice Christmas time.
These are Christmas cookies I made! 

Now it's time to made some things for New Years Eve. How do you
celebrate this evening today? 花火 hanabi打ち上げ花火
Happy New Year to everyone!
Let's see us again in 2011!!! クラッカー 
And I promise I will be a better blogger, if my laptop 
will let me blog again! (≡^∇^≡)

Don't forget my giveaway! It will end today! 
Please join if you haven't now! 
Comments and questions will be answerd as soon as possible.

And here is a pic from Malia getting here first carrots! xD



My new nails for December!

Hi my dear readers!
Just a short update about my new nails. チョキ
I got them yesterday! ラブラブ Totally love them!
What do you think?

Made by La Femme Nails



Cupcakes everywhere!

Hi my dear readers!
I'm sorry again. It took me ages to upload a new entry. 汗
I hope next year I will be a better blogger! アップ
152 followers!!! Thank you so much! I can't believe it. グッド!
Now my layout is ready! Some small things to fix, but that's ok.
My boyfriend made me this layout for my blog. ラブラブ
Thank's to him!!!キスマーク
What do you think? はてなマーク I totally love it! ラブラブ!

Today's entrie is about a page called Bakerella!
She does awesome cupcakes and other stuff. ケーキチョコレート
I really want to share this with you, because they look so adorable
and yummy! ( ´艸`) I wanna eat all of them! :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
If I will have enough time, I will make some of them. 
Just enjoy them!
For more pics and reciepts go to
I will answer your comments on my blog in a few
days. Please give me some time.

And totday I finally have my nail appointment.
Last week it was canceld. So today I will get 
some cute new nails again.ネイルPlease look 
forward to the photos of my new nails soon.

 It just came to my mind, that
soon some bloggers will travel the first time to Japan.日本
"Hi" to Mutsumi, Pupsi and some more I think. ニコニコ
I wanna wish you a beautiful trip and a lot of
nice memories. Say "Hello" to Japan from me!